Create an account with Student Awards Agency Scotland (SAAS). (4-1)

Create a SAAS Account

You'll need a SAAS Account to apply for funding.

This service lets you:

  • create a SAAS Account
  • apply for higher education funding
  • view the status of your application
  • provide additional information

Must contain at least 8 characters, with at least 1 capital letter, 1 lower case letter and 1 number. Do not use your username or a common word like 'password'. (3-8)
Have you applied to SAAS for funding before? (4-14)
Need help with 'applied to us before' question? (4-18)

If you have applied to SAAS for funding before, select Yes. (4-18)

Are you an EU student living outside the UK? (4-12)
Need help with 'EU student' question? (4-19)

If you are a national of an EU member country, from outside of the UK, select Yes. (4-19)

Need Help with EU residence Type ? (4-21)

Some EU citizens may be able to get a loan to pay their course fees. This applies to those who permanently live in Gibraltar or the Republic of Ireland and the UK. If this does not apply to you, select 'EU National'. (4-21)